
(Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress 2022, Photograph by Ben Hale)

As a graduate student at the University of Colorado Boulder, I had the opportunity to organize numerous conferences and serve on various committees.

Working two years on the Philosophy Department Climate Committee, I have helped run focus groups and allocated funds with the aim of assessing and improving graduate student climate. As a member of the undergrad curriculum committee I have assisted in the revising of course descriptions in response to revised college requirements.

I had the pleasure of being Lead Organizer for the 2017 Rocky Mountain Philosophy Conference and Graduate Organizer for the Committee on the History and Philosophy of Science for all talks and conferences organized between 2014 and 2017. I was also Lead Organizer for Graduate Work-in-Progress talks Fall 2016 to Spring 2017.

Since graduating I have had the opportunity to speak at the undergraduate CU Boulder Philosophy Club, referee for professional journals in the philosophy of science, and work as program manager for The Center for the Study of Origins at the University of Colorado.